We've added BitCoin

August 07, 2015

We've joined the growing on-line businesses offering Bitcoin payment processing.

This form of payment processing is ideal for low cost purchases with zero or low processing fees and free use (unlike most credit card processing).

You can learn more about bitcoin here, chose a wallet here and learn more about securing your wallet here

It takes some time getting your head around how this works - but this form of payment processing online is becoming more popular (of course which is the reason why we added it as an option).

Also in drug testing information

How to choose a drug test kit
How to choose a drug test kit

November 27, 2018

Choosing the right drug test kit is much more difficult than sorting apples from oranges. Drug test kits use different matrices (oral fluid or urine), target different drug classes at different cut-off levels and are very different in various countries.

This helpful guide will assist you in working out roughly which type of kit you should consider. 

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Are Drug Test Kits Accurate?
Are Drug Test Kits Accurate?

November 23, 2018

The question of whether drug test kits are accurate or not is not a simple one. Yes drug test kits do tend to be accurate, however there are a number of factors that need to be taken into consideration. There are inherent limitations in screening kits with cross-reacting medications etc and the kits tend to identify classes of drugs that belong to that group. Laboratory confirmation testing is considerably more accurate.

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Cocaine Use on the Rise?
Cocaine Use on the Rise?

August 06, 2018

Australian Drug Foundation discusses the increased use of Cocaine in Australia from a number of sources as well as the unique usage trends and cost of this drug in Australia. The article also notes Australia's unique use of powdered cocaine as opposed to "crack" as well as a disparity in cost of this drug in Australia compared to Europe as an example. 

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